Transparency is important to us. That is why we have joined the Transparency of Civil Society initiative. We undertake to make the following ten information available to the public and to keep it up to date.
1) "Name, registered office, address and year of foundation of our organization".
Campace Research gGmbH
Register court: Hamburg, registration number: HRB 150536
Bernstorffstrasse 117, 22767 Hamburg, Germany
Founded in 2018
2) "Complete articles of association or shareholder agreement as well as other important documents providing information on the concrete objectives we pursue and how they are achieved (eg vision, mission statement, values, promotion criteria)".
Link to the statutes
In accordance with our statutes, we promote: science and research, education and training, development cooperation
What does Campace do?
We are exploring the possibilities and potential of complementary and alternative medicine with the aim of making it available to all people. The focus is currently on homeopathy. To this end, we develop research concepts, award research contracts, publish relevant results and train experts. As soon as sufficiently reliable data are available, we support the implementation of these therapy methods at home and abroad.
Why do we exist?
We wish for a fair medicine. We want all people to have access to effective therapies, regardless of economic, social and regional backgrounds.
We are united by fundamental values and thoughts, such as the belief in the cooperation of people, the knowledge of what complementary and alternative therapy methods can achieve for the benefit of patients and the idea of effective, safe and sustainable open source medicine.
3) "Date of the latest tax office ruling on recognition as a tax-privileged (non-profit) corporation, if such a corporation is involved".
The tax office Hamburg-Nord, tax number 17/403/05855 separately determined compliance with the statutory requirements according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO by decision of 16.2.2018 according to § 60a AO.
4) the name and function of key decision-makers (eg management, management board and supervisory bodies)
Managing Director: Gregor Kindelmann
5) "Report on the activities of our organization: prompt, comprehensible and as comprehensive as can be produced at reasonable cost (eg copy of the report to be submitted annually to the general meeting or shareholders' meeting)".
Since Campace Research was founded, we have been working on expanding our scientific network and identifying socially relevant research fields and funding opportunities.
In the field of in-vitro research, we are currently conducting tests on different cancer cell lines in order to optimize the test procedures and carry out larger trials in a timely manner.
In the field of antibiotic resistance, we are working in collaboration with other scientists on a review to assess the current state of research. This is the basis for future clinical or in vitro studies.
On the part of our organization we are currently setting up the structures for an optimized donor administration and developing concepts for public relations work in order to win supporters and make our concern public.
6) "Personnel structure: Number of full-time employees, honorary employees, part-time employees, people doing community service, volunteers; information on volunteers.
Managing Director: 1 (Currently mainly working on a voluntary basis. The objective is to transfer this position to a full-time position as soon as possible)
Volunteers: 5
7/8) "Source of funds:
The funds used so far come mainly from the founding capital of gGmBH.
First donations complete these. The expenses are composed: Foundation costs, website design, translations, laboratory costs, office purchases and fees.
Our tax consultant prepares a detailed balance sheet at the end of the financial year.
9) "Corporate affiliation with third parties, eg parent or subsidiary, promotion association, outsourced business enterprise, partner organization".
Campace Research gGmbH has no legal affiliation with third parties.
10) "Names of legal entities whose annual contributions (including contributions, service fees, fees, project funds, donations, etc.) account for more than ten percent of our total annual income. Information on corresponding donations from natural persons will be published after their approval, but in any case marked as "large donations from private persons".
We do not currently have any donations from legal entities or individuals that generate more than 10% of our total annual revenue.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator